Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Last Pix ^^

These are our desserts ~ LOL~
ppyong ~
have a nice tuesday ^^

it should be saranghaeyo >,< 

Edited Pictures part 2 -poem version- ^o^

Edited Pictures ^o^

It'll be a cute header right ?

this is the blog's header :)

28 March - dizzy dizzy

28 March ~ hum ~ it's moday ~
I don't need to tell you how HORRIBLE Monday is @_@
Yeah ~ i feel bingeul-bingeul today from woke up last morning until now ~
I feel so 'empty' haha >,<
Heard so many songs today - even i'm still hearing music now -
And you know what ? I cried when watched TeenTop's Angel MV ~
Please note,It was happen not because i like them and feel 'sad' because of the song's meaning~
It was .. more than that ..
I cried because i remembered SS501 in the past ..
I know they were debut 6 years ago .. and I know they were still young .. Still 19 years for the eldest member (Hyun Joong Leader) and 18 years for the youngest (Hyung Joon Baby)
And yeah ~ i felt sad because i can't be their fans from 6 years ago ..
hiks :(

Beside that , i won't hide again from my number one reason.
U know if we fell in love,that must be hurt when your love can't accept you right ?
And yeah ~ i feel that ..
Always .. Every moments I saw that mind becomes more bigger than the last time I thought it..
I always remember kyu everytime this topic goes out from my mind...
*oh yeah ~ there's also yangfan and SECRET boy i like in my real life :P *
Many friends from fangirling world told me from their conversation if you can't love your idols with too over..
But, I didn't want to hear them .. Why ? Maybe because i felt comfortable..
But now ..I feel sorry for myself because i didn't do my 'eonnie' recomendations ~
Now .. I'm realize~ I felt comfort because I didn't know anything .. I'm still a newbie ~
But,after 2 years diving with too many bullshits and truth and lies ~
I know which one can make me feel really comfort and which one will make me feel more bad ~
Just it for today :) ~
Let's wish fangirling world won't be like this time anymore...
Full of fanwar and make their idols become their GOD~

it's header actually ^^ I love them <3

cute isn't it ? got from a Triple S friend i made it to be a gif.It's Kyu Jong btw

The most lovely pix from Be My Darling!

This pict i made when I really missed SS501 ;( and I miss them now

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

25 March - Horrible feeling

;__; dunno why ~
in the midnight i'm still in front my laptop and thinking about high school
seumur-umur sya gak pernah pengen sekolah di lombok
bukan karena saya ragu di lombok sya gak bakal dapat pendidikan terbaik
tapi lebih karena,itu memang mimpi sya sejak dulu..
sma di luar negeri dan pas kuliah pindah lagi..
tapi sepertinya sulit yah mengungkapkan hal seperti itu ke keluarga sendiri.
ToT apalagi nenek ..
huh .. banyak yang nyuruh sya masuk ke salah satu SMA favorit di sini..
Tapi tapi .. arghhhh .. they don't know anything about my dreams and my hopes
jadi sedih :(
padahal mimpi terbesar sya , sya bisa belajar dan kerja keliling dunia ~ *gak ke semua negara sih hehe*
:( sepertinya keluarga sya menganggap maksud dari mimpi terbesar sya itu pas sya udah kerja .. dan bukan mulai dri tahap masih sekolah ..
haish ~ frustating

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="300" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

17 March 2011 ~ Crazy !!

>,< today wasn't too good ~ feel so tired even in the fact i didn't do anything ~
i had to go to a hospital because my sister is sick~
oh yeah ~_~ she got 'DBD' poor her..
feel sorry for her too..
I went to there around 12 p.m ~
and do u know what ? i didn't eat any breakfast before that ..
haha ~ a little luckiness for me .. because after arrived at the hospital my father*and also my mom too* asked to me if i wanted to eat any foods..
but.. i didn't answer anything and acted with cool ~ because i was angry.. today actually i would go to swim with my friend ~ but because of the condition wasn't good .. i couldn't go >.> so i was angry to my mom *esp my lil sist*
my parents gave so many choice for me ~ they told me to eat well*and they gave one by one some snacks to me while i ignored them all*~ i'm the only one their healthy daughter.. while my 2 lil sists are sick >__<
dunno have to feel happy or not
yeah ~ v__v back to the story ... finnaly i decided to eat pizza .. hoho.. i,my father,and my lil sist *the older lil sist* went to a pizza restaurant around the hospital :P
kekeke ~ finnaly !! i eat pizza after imagined it for a very long time ~
but .. i didn't order pizza.. i just ordered err.. i forgot the name ~
my lil sist ordered garlic bread..
actually ~ i did that because i guessed she was already full~
LOL XD how cheat i am ! XD
when the garlic bread came,my lil sist and my father enjoyed the food,and i just watched they eat*and i really wanted to taste that too !! but i didn't do it*
but .. just few minutes .. my lil sist found herself on bad situation..
her nose was bloody ~
yeah ~ bad news for her and my father of course .. ~ because 'bloody nose' is one of 'DBD' characteristic~
they ran to the toilet and i just .__. ~
haha ~ while they ran to the toilet i drank my water and wait my rice xD
after wait for a little bit long , my rice was coming !!
hoho -..- that was very hot XD but when i tasted it .. yumm ~ it was feel good ~
i half  procces to ate my food when my lil sist and my father came ~
my lil sist .. acted -_- i knew it .. she acted like she's VERY SICK..
and i knew she wasn't too sick even she got bloody at her nose
i finished my food after 10 minutes maybe ? or more ? i don't know XD ~
after finished my food ~ i pay it with my father's money
actually ~ my father wanted to buy 'soto' but because my lil sist was sick .. so he canceled it ~
we arrived at the hospital again ..
we went to my youngest sist room and taraaa...
there was some guests ~
so i just said hi and then acted like a robot :p
haha ~ after they went home , my cousin came *with her parents of course* and she played with my youngest sist and my mom said if she must be thinks if my youngest sist just plays in the hospital .. not really sick ~ hahah... and the time just walk with super fast..
my cousin had to go home :p after my youngest sist told her *huahah ~ actually not just told but she told with rough xD*
okay ~ i have to stop at here -_- because after that ~ there was nothing happen except some of my family came and saw my youngest sist's condition...
and .. i went home before them * i was SUPER tired*
aing ~ feel bad because my camera couldn't take some pix

bongkar2 laci dan inilah isinyaa

i ate this yesterday v.v noodle + egg

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Have Fun !!

halaman sekolah dari atas (1 tahun yang lalu)

Yah !! Hari ini reuni *yah gak bisa dibilang reuni sepenuhnya sih* ke sekolah sd :P
wahahah ~ ^^ manteppp ~ ngeliat wajah-wajah temen sekelas dulu ..
plus dari situ bisa main ke mall XD wah wah ~
ternyata kelas sya gak berubah banyak yah '_'a *gambar 1*
tetep aja kayak gitu XD berwarna biru dan sedikit jorok

.__. btw ~ mejanya juga makin burem --"

haha ~ dan adik kelas saya bener-bener lebih jorok daripada angkatan saya dulu :P
waduh , saya bersyukur sekali XD karena pasti guru sya baru sadar angkatan saya jauh lebih bersih wkwkwk

setelah selesai di kelas nyosor langsung ngelihat pemandangan sekolah dari jembatan antar dua gedung sekolah saya *gambar 2*
gersang banget yah ? ^^ tapi saya sukaaa banget pemandangan yang di belakangnya .. sejuk gitu ^_^
sayang kelas yang di deket jembatan itu bukan kelas sya :(

itu ngambil gambarnya keburu-buru banget >.< soalnya malu sih ngeliatin kamera ke adek2 kelas hahaha

selesai nengok keadaan gedung sebelah saya,riska,plus indri langsung kabur XD
kaburnya ke mall dong ~ ke mana lagi coba ? :D

di mall ~ .. si riska ngerjain saya bok !! bilangnya mau liat-liat kacamata gitu .. eh masa saya yang disuruh nyoba T__T jadilah sya yang malu ma penjualnya gara-gara udah nyoba tapi gak beli XD

begitu masuk ke mall nya , kita semua udah langsung kelaparan + haus..padahal niat awal tuh mau karakoean..terpaksa deh berbalik arah ke salah satu cafe yang ada ..

disana cuman pesen makanan + minuman sambil duduk-duduk cerita ~ khususnya bantu riska hapalin member boyband korea + cerita-cerita soal perkembangan kpop sampe sekarang .. si indri ? sibuk nikmatin wajah-wajah anggota suju .. *saya bersyukur dia masih dengerin kita ngoceh dan bukannya terhipnotis beneran sama wajah-wajah member suju XD *

hem .. di cafe itu mesen salad buah .. err. masih kerasa bangettt kejunya =D terserah deh mau dibilang norak kek , kampungan kek, GAK PERDULI ~ hahaha ~ abis, enak sih :P
terus lagi walaupun kenyang tapi sya ketagihan ma kejunya -.- jadilah saya ngehabisin tuh salad dan tottally KENYANG !! XD
duh .. bener-bener deh .. padahal saya belum sarapan :O dan itu malah jadi sarapan saya..

keluarnya dari situ kita mutusin mau ke salah satu tempat nyewa kaset gitu.. dan akhirnya kita ngebawa 1 orang lagi ... pas ke tempat penyewaannya eh,di situ udah banyak polisi ..
akhirnya kita mutusin gak mungkin banget masuk ke sana..

kita mutusin buat ke rumah saya :D wahaha ~
tapi sayang,pas udah sampai rumah saya si indri malah harus pulang :( coz dia disuruh pulang sama ibunya .. yah terpaksa ngerelain si indri deh ..

ujung-ujungnya kita bertiga yang masih kesisa nonton film horor yang saya pinjem kemarin-kemarin xD
tapi bukan yang judulnya scared.. ini yang Ju On ..

dan entah kenapa pas sya nonton sendiri , rasanya biasa-biasa aja -,- pas ma temen .. widihhhh .. saya jadi ketakutan -o- teriakan mereka ngeri banget pula -o-

selesai film itu pada maen inet di kamar xD
sekalian lagi nujukkin riska cowok-cowok korea yang keren :P
dia sudah mulai gila korea sepertinya .. *sayang banget xP padahal sya baru gila ma mandarin*

hari itu kesenangan berakhir dengan pulangnya mereka berdua XD
dan itu lah akhir dari cerita hari ini hahaha

XD saya bener2 harus belajar bagaimana mengisi blog dengan cerita pribadi XD

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Movies & Novels ? My Life !!

Yaks :D
Saya balik dengan isi blog yang gak penting ~
Cuman mau cerita aja sih ~
Kemarin beli sekitar 3 buku ~
Dan juga udah minjem 2 kaset HOROR -_- << nyari mati beneran dah gue
Salah satu buku yang sya beli judulnya agak aneh juga sih 'Duania Pungki Pingky'
Yah ~ pas buka bukunya sempet mikir "dih~kayaknya nih buku gak mutu deh -.- nyesel gue beli"
Tapi semua itu lenyap*?* setelah saya habis ngebacanya 
Dan kapan saya selesai ngebacanya ? Baru beberapa menit yang lalu ~
Jujur aja , kalau boleh jadi tuh cewek saya bakal jadi tuh cewek ~
Walaupun dia cuman tokoh khayalan..Tapi rasanya ada ketertarikan kuat sama tuh cerita T^T
Rasanya kayak ngulang film pribadi dalam otak.
Okay .. saya mulai lebay .. 

Dua film yang saya sewa judulnya Ju On dan Scared ..
1 film jepang dan 1 film thailand..
Kalau dibilang mana yang lebih serem..?
Saya gak bisa jawab ..
Soalnya dua-duanya sama sadisnya !
Tanpa mengurangi kandungan horornya >__<
Tapi saya belum ngelihat hantu di film Scared..
Sedangkan Ju On ? +__+
Saya merinding liat hantunya plus cara meninggal mereka
Huaaaa... hantu yang selama ini saya liat aja masih kurang serem rasanya Y_Y
hantunya kayak gimana ?
Anak perempuan kecil , Perempuan tua , Plus anak kecil lagi tapi cowok ~
Sadisnya .. -_- ada pembunuhan yang ngebuat saya bergidik ..
Super sadis..
Selain itu,hampir setiap kejadian dalam film itu mengacu pada 1 hal : rumah tempat tinggal keluarga yang dibantai..
Are you interested to watch?
Btw ~ pemain cowoknya ada yang cakep juga XD wkwkwk
Lumayan lah ~ ketakutan tapi sambil liat wajah cakep


Buku Kerajinan yang dibeliin mama biar saya bisa buat barang kesenian

Ini dia buku yang sukses bikin saya bayangin ada orang yang bisa jadi soulmate saya XD

Fun Day !!

Today was so fun ~
LOL~ i can't write too much in english :P
wahaha ~ v.v i'm not that smart XD

okay okay ~

hari ini sejujurnya mau pergi buat beli kain felt .. tapi .. ih wow :O toko yang dituju TUTUP !
..hemm ~ mungkin karena hari ini emang hari minggu kali yah ?
yah , terpaksa deh pulang ~ huahhh -o-
tapi ditengah perjalanan pulang sya baru nyadar sya kelaparan -_-"
not funny of course!!
apalagi ini bukan kelaparan karena nasi ~ tapi karena secara tiba-tiba sya pengen banget makan jajan :O

hum ~ dari cakra mama mutusin buat ke pasar ampenan~
yah,disana dapet barang bagus ~ wahahaha

Bisa bayangin gak celana jeans yang tadinya 180-an ribu jadi 70-an ribu !!
Gila-gilaan banget kan tuh diskonnya ?
Sebenernya masih ada yang pengen saya beli sih disitu -.-
Mana diskonnya mantep-mantep pula ~
Tapi yah ~ mama nyuruh saya turun dan nyari sendal ~
-__-" agak kurang lucky dalam hal ini ~
Karena sandalnya masih tergolong mahal ~
Berapa yah ? .___. 35 atau 40 ribu yah ? .__.
Saya taunya total semua sendal yang dibeli *plus punya mama dan 2 adik saya* itu 'seket'
don't ask me how much is that!
Because I don't know sasak traditional language too !!

haha -_- don't ask me how I can be the most stupid person in that subject even I live at lombok +_+
Yaks ~ setelah selesai ~ mama bilang total belanjaan hari ini : 300 ribu
widihhh :O saya kaget deng ~
ckckck ~ v__v

hummm ~ saya bener-bener masih kebayang barang-barang yang saya mau beli ~ hahaha  +_+

.__. btw ~ sya masih baru dalam hal menulis seperti ini XD jadi maklumi kalau terkesan kaku yah ~

my new jeans 

Hello !!

Today is 13th March 2011 ~
wew!! Time go with so fast !!
I still think it's January ^~^

virtual keyboard [korean]